Croatia's foreign trade in 2019: Exports 4.7 pct up, imports 5.2 pct up


Croatia's exports of goods in 2019 totalled €15.2 billion, or 4.7 percent up from 2018, while imports rose 5.2 percent to €24.9 billion. The foreign trade deficit was €9.7 billion, up from €9.2 billion in 2018, the state statistics bureau said on Friday.

Croatia’s main trade partners in the EU in 2019 were Germany, Italy, and Slovenia. Italy was Croatia’s largest export market, accounting for 14 percent of its exports. Germany was Croatia’s main imports partner, accounting for 16 percent of the country’s imports.

Foreign trade ith non-EU countries accounted for 32 percent of Croatia’s exports (up 6 by percent year-on-year), and for 20 percent of Croatia’s imports (down 6 percent from 2018).

Croatia’s largest non-EU trade partners in 2019 were Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia. Exports to Bosnia totalled €11.2 billion (up by 11.6 percent), while imports were €5.1 billion (down by 4.9 percent).