Bozinovic: Coronavirus cases rise mid-week after weekend behaviour

NEWS 05.11.202010:22
Jurica Galoic/PIXSELL (ilustracija)

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said on Thursday the number of new coronavirus cases went up every week as of Wednesday, which could be ascribed also to weekend behaviour, and called for reducing private gatherings.

Speaking at a cabinet meeting, he said a decision was made since the last meeting to extend the existing border crossing regime until November 19.

Bozinovic went on to say that Civil Protection Directorate inspectors, in cooperation with state inspectors and police, had inspected 23,221 businesses, bars and restaurants, and public gatherings, issuing 1,137 warnings and 25 fines totalling HRK 630,000 for working after midnight and failure to comply with guidelines on social distancing, wearing masks and displaying notices on hygiene.

Since the last cabinet meeting, 1.12 million articles of protective equipment (58 tonnes) have been distributed. There are 13.6 million articles, or 1,350 tonnes, in warehouses, which Bozinovic said were regularly restocked.