HOK wants compensation measures for all businesses hit by corona crisis

NEWS 30.11.202020:39
Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL (ilustracija)

The Croatian Chamber of Trades and Crafts (HOK) said on Monday that the government measures unveiled today were intended only for the businesses that were ordered by the national coronavirus response team to shut down, calling for talks on aid for all businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Earlier today, government officials met with employers and bar and restaurant owners to present measures compensating them for the losses caused by the lockdown prompted by the deterioration in the epidemiological situation in the country.

HOK president Dragutin Ranogajec suggested at the meeting that the government consider the problem of traditional craft businesses that cannot operate because of the ban on fairs.

According to a HOK press release, he said that account should be taken of all businesses relying on hospitality services whose revenues have been considerably reduced by the decision of the national coronavirus response team.

Ranogajec said that the demand for a reduction of VAT, which was repeatedly raised at today’s meeting, would definitely have to be put on the table once the crisis was over because it was a long-standing demand by the HOK.

The HOK represents about 90,000 trades and craft businesses whose business has been seriously affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The ministers attending today’s meeting said they were ready for further dialogue to help the economy recover.