Bozinovic on Dragan Primorac’s result: His messages did not reach enough voters

NEWS 29.12.202420:38 0 komentara
Davor Božinović

Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic commented on Dragan Primorac's recent result to N1 reporter Jelena Bokun from the HDZ party's election headquarters. Pročitaj više

“Of course, this is a difference that we did not expect and that does not result from the polls. But we have already realised tonight that the first exit polls are just polls, and these are the first results that show a difference of one per cent. Therefore, we hope for a second round in which the candidates can better present themselves to the voters through debates,” Bozinovic said, adding:

Dragan Primorac has run a positive campaign, while everyone else has campaigned against him as if he were the incumbent president. In the second round, there would be more debates which would provide more information to the voters.”

Why such a result?

“That’s a question for analysis. What seems crucial to me is that his messages may not have reached enough voters. The electoral rules are what they are and he has tried to compensate for this by engaging on the ground. As he said himself, he toured Croatia several times. I hope – because it would be good for democracy – that we will see a comparison of visions for the future of Croatia in the context of today’s realities: Security, economy, the new American administration and European issues. We need to focus on the details and think about what our interests are and how we can defend them. Sometimes it is easier to convey messages that go down well with voters, but that is not responsible”

A blow for the HDZ?

“We have never said that Primorac is not our candidate, and we never will. Nor will we say that this was not a collective decision of the party committees. We made the decision on him as a candidate together. Moreover, this night is far from over and we hope that the number of votes will be sufficient for a second round, which would then be a different game,” concluded Davor Bozinovic.

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