Number of jobless Croatians in October 2022 drops 9.2 pct year-on-year

Unsplash / Ilustracija

There were 1.62 million employed Croatians in October 2022, or 1.2 percent up from October 2021 and 0.1 percent down from September 2022, state news agency Hina said on Monday, citing publicly released data by the state statistics bureau.

In October 2022, Croatia’s labor force totaled 1.73 million people, up by 0.4 percent from October 2021. The number of unemployed persons in October 2022 was 112,100, down 9.2 percent from October 2021.

The registered unemployment rate in October 2022 was 6.5 percent. Most of the people in work were employed in companies – nearly 1.4 million – which is 1.3 percent more than in October 2021. The number of people employed in trades and freelance professions reached 196,100, up by 0.7 percent from October 2021.

By sector, the largest single one by number of employees was the processing industry – 230,700, a decrease of 0.5 percent year-on-year. Another 211,900 people worked in retail, up by 1.1 percent from October 2021. Another 123,300 were employed in the largely state-run education sector, an increase of 1.4 percent compared to October 2021.

Hina did not offer any interpretation for these figures.