Survey: Support for the EU in Croatia is above the European average

NEWS 03.10.202415:07 0 komentara
Aris Oikonomou / AFP, Ilustracija

Rising prices and the cost of living (42%) and the economic situation (41%) are the main issues motivating European citizens to vote in the last European elections in June 2024, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey.

In Croatia, 56% of respondents cited rising prices and the cost of living as the main reason for going to the ballot box, while 55% cited the economic situation.

For Germans, on the other hand, the main reason for voting was the issue of migration and asylum, while citizens in Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands and Malta cited the environment and climate change. Lithuanians and Latvians cited defence as their main motive, while Finns, Estonians and Luxembourgers cited the international situation.

Croatians believe that Croatia benefits from EU membership because of new job opportunities

The third most important motive for Croatians to vote in the elections (37%) was social protection and access to healthcare.

When asked about the main reasons why they think Croatia benefits from EU membership, Croatians cited new job opportunities (51%). At EU level, the percentage in this category was 24%.

The second most important benefit cited by Croatians (33%) was that the EU improves people’s standard of living, and in third place (31%) was that the EU contributes to the country’s economic growth.

The survey results also show that EU citizens are optimistic about the future of the EU (65%) and that they still have a positive perception of the EU (48% of respondents have a positive perception of the EU’s image, while only 16% have a negative perception).

In Portugal, as many as 70% of citizens have a positive perception of the EU, while France is the only member state where a negative perception prevails – 29% of French citizens have a negative perception of the EU’s image.

Nearly half of Croatian respondents (49%) have a positive perception of the European Parliament, while 37% are neutral on this issue.

85% of Croatians believe that EU membership is useful

Seven out of ten respondents (70%) say that their country has benefited from EU membership, and this percentage has been stable for several years.

Support for the EU in Croatia is above the European average. As many as 56% of Croatians have a completely positive attitude towards the EU and only 10% have a negative attitude. The positive attitude is most pronounced in the 25-39 age group (62%).

In terms of the benefits of EU membership, Croatians are well above the European average. 85% believe that membership is beneficial, mainly because of new job opportunities (51%), better living standards (33%) and economic growth as well as peace and security (31% each).

In the last European elections, which took place in June 2024, the highest voter turnout in the last 30 years was recorded at 50.74%. Croatia was unable to follow this trend, as only 21.35% of voters went to the polls.

The main reason given by Croatians for not going to the polls is a lack of interest in politics (30%), followed by the fact that they rarely vote and the view that voting makes no difference (19% each).

Full results can be found here.

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