Leo Messi jučer je protiv Espanyola pokazao svu raskoš svog izvanzemaljskog talenta, ali golovi i driblinzi nisu jedino čime je izazvao pozornost.
Naime, Argentinac je odustao od izblajhane kose, pofarbane u plavo koja je bila dio njegovog novog imidža.
Čini se da ga je ova faza prilično brzo prošla pa se vratio na staru frizuru, iako na društvenim mrežama nisu oduševljeni čak niti ovim povratkom na staro.
If there was one thing I had to critique Messi on it'd have to be his haircut. That fade is weak af. Boy needs to get a new barber.
— Pablo David (@potrillovu) December 18, 2016
If the new haircut is the reason behind this type of Magical performance then I want Messi to marry his barber rather than Anto in 2017.
— Krunal (@krunalshah94) December 18, 2016
I can't recognize Messi with a normal haircut
— Isra | إسراء ?? (@IsraQM) December 18, 2016