Experts: Higher water levels in the Mura, Drava and Danube in Croatia soon, but no record high

ENGLISH 17.09.202411:31 0 komentara
Sergei GAPON / AFP

Hydrologists from the Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ) said on Tuesday that the Danube in eastern Croatia will rise sharply in the coming days. Water levels in the Croatian sections of the Mura and Drava rivers will also rise, but will not reach the levels of August 2023, when they burst their banks.

According to the experts, the water levels of the Danube are still in the low and medium range.

The water levels in the rivers have risen due to the heavy rainfall in Central and Eastern Europe.

The managing director of the water management company Hrvatske Vode, Zoran Djurokovic, confirmed on Tuesday morning that Croatia is not expecting the scenarios that are now being observed in the devastated regions of Central Europe. The Danube at Batina is expected to reach a level of 750 centimetres and the authorities will raise the flood barriers to +775 centimetres, he added.

Remnants of storm Boris felt in Croatia

The director of the DHMZ, Ivan Güttler, said today that Storm Boris, which caused catastrophic flooding in Central Europe and claimed many lives, is subsiding and will soon be over.

The remnants of the storm are now expected in Croatia, Güttler said.

In some places in Europe, over 450 litres of torrential rain per square metre fell.

The unsettled weather is expected to continue until Tuesday and weather conditions are expected to calm down, although it will take several days for river levels to drop. As this week’s high temperatures melt the snow in the Alpine regions, some rivers could remain elevated.

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