Food, oil and garbage collection are just some of the things that are bound to become more expensive for the average Croatian consumer in 2018.
The price of bananas on the Croatian market is already up by 50 percent, and according to fruit traders, all other fruit is likely to follow suit in the coming months, reported on Sunday (March 11).
And prices of other foods are also expected to continue rising, analysts say. “Some foods like bread and fish are holding stable prices, but all other foods starting with meat are continuing to become more expensive,” said Zvonimir Savić from the Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE).
In addition, new policies to be introduced on management, sorting and recycling of garbage will inevitably increase garbage bills for households. On the other hand, energy ministry said gas prices are unlikely to go up for the next three years as the government is committed to protect consumers from price hikes, and unlike last year, electricity bills are likely to remain at current levels.
This summer will also see a ten percent increse in road tolls during the tourist season. Analysts are also predicting that the price of crude oil would go up by 30 percent from last year, although transport companies say they have no plans to hike prices of their services.