Five Afghans suspected of having terrorist ties apprehended in Bosnia


Five persons with suspected terrorist ties have been discovered among migrants that have entered Bosnia and Herzegovina since the beginning of 2019, the country's Security Ministry said in a press release on Tuesday.

The five men, all from Afghanistan, have been located and identified in or around the cities of Sarajevo and Bihac, and have been placed under permanent supervision at the centre for illegal migrants near Sarajevo.

A sixth Afghan man, who authorities believe has ties to smuggling of people and organised crime, has also been placed under supervision. All six men are aged between 22 and 30.

Bosnian authorities are now trying to verify the identities of the six men, as to confirm their ties to criminal groups, as they face expulsion from the country.

In 2018 around 24,000 illegal migrants from Middle Eastern countries have entered Bosnia, with authorities estimating that at least 25,000 new arrivals can be expected this year.

A new wave of migrants coming to Bosnia hoping to reach western Europe is expected in the spring.

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