Croatians like working in good atmosphere, survey shows

NEWS 31.03.201917:11

Croatians like to work in a good atmosphere and believe that entertainment positively impacts relations between people, yet supervisors do not motivate entertainment at work, a survey conducted by the MojPosao job search portal shows.

Nine out of 10 polled in the survey that covered a total of 600 respondents believe that entertainment at work can reduce stress and tension in the workplace and that people with a good sense of humour collaborate better with their work colleagues.

The findings of the survey show that 73 percent of workers like having fun in the workplace.

Seven out of 10 respondents try to cheer up their colleagues, while 55 percent try to entertain their colleagues when circumstances allow.

However, only 25 percent believe that their supervisors encourage entertainment in the workplace.

As many as 56 percent of male respondents think that working hours should be dedicated exclusively to work, compared to 40% of women who believe that too.

The younger the age of workers, stronger readiness is shown to support entertainment at work. Nearly 70 percent of those under the age of 30 considered entertainment in the workplace very important, as did 67 percent of those aged between 31 and 41 and 60 percent of workers above 42.