Defence Minister Damir Krsticevic said on Thursday the government remained resolute to resolve the strategic issue of procuring fighter jets and that it was discussing it with Sweden and the US.
Speaking to the press after the government adopted a defence report for 2018, he said the incumbent government was bolstering and modernising the Croatian army in a systematic and organised way.
Krsticevic said Croatia and future generations needed fighter aircraft, and that the procurement of fighter jets would be a huge technological step forward for the Croatian army.
He said that after talks with Israel failed, the procurement was being discussed with the US and Sweden. “When we have concrete information, we will inform the public in a timely manner.”
In selecting the best bid, the team of experts in charge will “think of what is best for Croatia,” he said. Asked which bid the government was more inclined to, he would not “speculate” and said “there’s time.”
“We approximately know what the prices are,” the minister said, adding that in the procurement attempt with Israel and based on Bulgaria’s and Slovakia’s fighter aircraft purchases, Croatia had gained the necessary experience and that the crucial thing was that the government was determined to resolve this issue.