Croatia signs EU declaration on advancing cultural heritage digitisation

NEWS 26.11.201910:25
Dusko Marušić/PIXSELL

Croatia has signed a declaration of cooperation on advancing digitisation of cultural heritage, along with the other 26 European Union member states, the Culture Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

The declaration was signed by Culture Minister Nina Obuljen Korzinek in Brussels on Friday. The signatories agreed to step up efforts and make progress in protecting heritage.

“Growing threats to cultural heritage (natural disasters, pollution, mass tourism, adverse climatic events, terrorism, vandalism) are creating an urgent need to make maximum use of digital technology to record, document and preserve the European cultural heritage and its accessibility to European citizens,” the ministry said in the statement.

In accordance with the Declaration of Rome and the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, the signatures agreed to intensify their efforts and make progress on three pillars of action: a pan-European initiative for 3D digitisation of cultural heritage artefacts, monuments and sites; re-use of digitised cultural resources to foster citizen engagement, innovative use and spill-overs in other sectors; and enhancing cross-sector and cross-border cooperation and capacity building in the sector of digitised cultural heritage, the statement said.