Top three presidential candidates will get €417,000 in campaign reimbursements

Morgue File

A total of 3.1 million kuna (€417,000) could be set aside from the state budget to compensate for campaign-related expenses of the top three candidates in the recent presidential election held in December and January - Zoran Milanovic, supported by the Social Democrats, incumbent Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, backed by the ruling centre-right HDZ party, and formally independent singer-turned-politician Miroslav Skoro.

Milanovic can expect a budget refund of some 1.2 million kuna (€161,000) for campaign costs in both rounds of the election, while Grabar-Kitarovic will get 1.08 million (€135,000). Skoro, who ended up third in the first round and did not qualify for the run-off, could receive a total of 827,000 (€111,000).

Provided that the national election commission clears the candidates’ campaign financial records, the three candidates can expect a refund by mid March.

According to Croatian law, candidates who win at least 10 percent of the vote in the first round of the presidential election are eligible for state-funded compensation of campaign costs.

(€1 = 7.43 kuna)