Health Minister Vili Beros said on Wednesday, after 100 days had passed since the first confirmed Covid-19 case in Croatia, that the epidemiological situation was stable and good and that epidemiological indicators were more than satisfactory.
“Epidemiological indicators are more than satisfactory, however, I have been calling for caution all the time,” Beros told the national broadcaster (HRT) on Wednesday evening.
As for declaring the end of the coronavirus outbreak in the country, Beros says that although there are exact epidemiological criteria which are supposed to be fulfilled to declare the end of the outbreak of an infectious disease, the Croatian authorities will continue to be on alert since this is a novel virus and since “we are now opening up borders for tourists coming from the countries where there are still cases of that disease,” he explained.
Beros said that this meant that the health authorities would not be guided by a standard criterion of the passage of 14 days since the last new case.
On Wednesday, Croatia had 48 active cases, of whom 17 were treated at hospital including four who placed on ventilators. Since the first confirmed case on 25 February, a total of 67,814 tests have been conducted, including 517 in the last 24 hours, and 2,246 people have tested positive.
To date, the infection took 103 lives, while 2,095 patients have recovered.
The last new case was registered on 30 May.