Ranko Ostojic joins race for SDP leader

NEWS 01.09.202010:41
Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

Former Social Democratic Party (SDP) MP Ranko Ostojic has joined the race for party leader, sending in his candidacy shortly before the deadline of midnight on Monday, he confirmed to Hina on Tuesday morning.

Apart from Ostojic, five other candidates have submitted their bids for party leader – former SDP deputy leader Pedja Grbin, Krapina-Zagorje County prefect Zeljko Kolar, Omisalj Mayor Mirela Ahmetovic, and Pula city council member Marino Percan.

Ostojic had earlier said that he would only join the race for the party’s 17-member presidency, and not run for the leading position in the party so as not to harm Pedja Grbin’s bid – who is seen as a favourite to take over the party after former leader, Davor Bernardic, stepped down in July this year following a disappointing result in the parliamentary election. 

His decision to join the race was triggered by Monday’s press conference of the so-called Neretva Group of young SDP mayors who had been expected to express public support for Grbin.

“The same people who until yesterday supported Pedja Grbin now support only themselves,” Ostojic told Hina in a brief statement.

The SDP will choose new leadership on September 26 using a one-member, one-vote system.