The European Commission will soon sign a contract with the Pfizer and BioNTech pharmaceutical groups for the procurement of 300 million doses of vaccine against Covid-19, Commission president Ursula von der Leyen tweeted on Monday.
“Great news from Pfizer & BioNTech Group on the successful results of their latest clinical trial for a Covid-19 vaccine. The EU Commission to sign contract with them soon for up to 300 million doses,” the EC president tweeted.
The two companies reported earlier on Monday that their experimental COVID-19 vaccine was more than 90% effective based on initial trial results.
Also on Monday, a member of the European Parliament, Peter Liese (EPP), in charge of health issues announced the contract for the procurement of the vaccine.
“According to my information, the respective contract is about to be signed,” said Liese.
“There is an agreement that Europeans will be provided with hundreds of millions of vaccines,” Liese said in a press release on his website.