Croatia ranks third in Europe for the quality of its bathing waters

NEWS 28.06.202418:48 0 komentara

According to data published by the European Environment Agency in May, Croatia ranks third in Europe for the proportion of bathing areas with excellent marine and bathing water quality in 2023, behind Cyprus and Austria.

Croatia ranks second among countries with a coastline, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition said on Friday, adding that this ranking reflects Croatia’s years of management of marine and bathing water quality and protection of the marine environment.

The laboratories of public health institutes in seven coastal districts are conduct bathing water quality tests at 1,087 locations along the coast and on the islands from 20 May to 1 October.

The bathing season in Croatia officially began on 1 June and lasts until 15 September.

The analysis is carried out every 15 days in accordance with the Bathing Water Directive. This involves measuring the levels of intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli bacteria.

In 2023, the seawater quality in Croatia was excellent (blue) at 951 of a total of 1,008 measuring points. At 38 points it was good (green), at six points satisfactory (yellow) and at 13 points unsatisfactory (red).

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