Prime Minister: Croatia would arrest Putin if he arrived in the country

NEWS 24.03.202316:11 0 komentara

If Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is wanted by the International Criminal Court, visited Croatia, he would be arrested in line with the procedure envisaged by law, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Friday.

Croatia has joined the ICC Statute and passed a law on cooperation with the court.

“That law envisages all the procedures in case there is a warrant for the arrest of a person, and as far as I know, immunity does not apply here. Therefore the procedure would be exactly as envisaged by the law and, naturally, both the Croatian police and the relevant authorities would react,” Plenkovic told the press in Brussels when asked how Croatia would act in the event of Putin’s visit.

He added, however, that such a visit “is not realistic after all.”

“I don’t think he will go to the countries that are parties to the Rome Statute any time soon,” he said at the end of the EU summit in Brussels.

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