VIDEO: Another living noble pen shell was found in the Adriatic Sea

NEWS 24.06.202417:18 0 komentara
Hrvatski veterinarski institut, ilustracija

The public institution "Nature" has announced that another living noble pen shell has been found in the sea near the village of Njivice on the island of Krk in the northern Adriatic.

“A live noble pen shell has been found near Njivice on the island of Krk!

Dear nature lovers, we have received a wonderful news and a video from our long-time associate Denis Rukavina from Pelagos Diving Centre, who found a live specimen of a noble pen shell during a dive near Njivice on the island of Krk at the end of last week.

Experts have confirmed that it is indeed a noble pen shell, and we have decided to name it after its discoverer! We are happy to share with you a video of the noble pen shell Denis,” they announced on Facebook.

The noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) has been listed as an endangered species in the Mediterranean Sea. The European Council Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, on conservation of natural habitats and the wild fauna and flora, proclaims that P. nobilis is strictly protected (by the Annex IV of EEC, 1992) – all forms of deliberate capture or killing of fan mussel specimens are prohibited by law.

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