Croatian delegation cuts short visit to Serbia over incident


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Speaker of Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic discussed today's incident at the Serbian Parliament during an official visit by the delegation of the Croatian Parliament and decided to cut short what was intended to be a two-day visit, and return to Croatia immediately.

“We condemn in the strongest of terms the uncivilised and unacceptable act committed by Vojislav Seselj, the trampling of the flag, the disrespect for symbols of Croatia, and insults hurled at members of the Croatian delegation and the official in the country’s second most important political post,” Croatian government spokeswoman, Suncana Glavak, told N1.

 “In spite of a very good beginning of the official visit, and our determination to do what’s best to improve the relations between the two countries, this act which aimed to deeply hurt the dignity of Croatia and the Croatian Parliament, we ended our visit,” Croatian Parliament said.

Speaker of Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic began his official two-day visit earlier on Wednesday by meeting with a delegation of the Serbian Parliament. However, later in the day, the leader of the ultra-nationalist Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj verbally abused the Croatian delegation and trampled on the Croatian flag in the Serbian Parliament, according to a press release by the SRS.