Serbia’s envoy rejects Zagreb’s diplomatic protest

Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

Mira Nikolic, Serbia’s ambassador to Croatia, has refused a diplomatic note protesting an incident during the visit of the Croatian parliamentary delegation to Belgrade, Croatian ministry said on Wednesday.

The envoy was summoned by the Foreign and European Affairs in Zagreb for its protest over the incident caused by Serb nationalist politician and convicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj, who trampled a Croatian flag and swore at a Croatian delegation in Serbia’s parliament earlier today.

After hearing Zagreb’s protest, Nikolic did not want to accept the diplomatic note which the ministry later passed on to Serbia’s embassy.

“Croatia demands and expects zero tolerance for such unacceptable incidents and urges Serbia’s authorities to immediately take appropriate measures,” Croatian Ministry’s statement said.  

It added that Zagreb remained committed to the improvement of the neighbourly relations based on mutual respect, and in accordance with the European values. Serbia’s Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic condemned Seselj’s behavior. Croat officials cut their visit short following the incident.