Natasa Novakovic, the head of the Parliament's Committee for Conflict of Interest, said that the committee was following the situation closely, and that state attorney's office (DORH) was involved.
“The Committee will gather all the relevant facts and, as in any procedure, decide whether to begin the procedure or not, after the facts have been determined. In this moment, the case has only been opened. We did not even open it yesterday. We waited for today, we are actively following the media. As soon as we have something more substantial to say, we will say it,” she said to the Nova TV broadcaster.
The news portal yesterday published the Economy Minister, Martina Dalic’s, secret emails which showed her correspondence with private consultancies, law firms and brokerages when creating the law on state-appointed crisis management, dubbed in the media Lex Agrokor. The emails confirmed that the people who took part in drawing up the law were later members, and advisors, of the crisis management.
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