Centre-right SDS largest party of Slovenian election

Borut Zivulovic / Reuters

Centre-right Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) is the largest party of the parliamentary election in Slovenia, having won 25.2 percent of the vote with over 99 percent votes counted, the state election committee said on Sunday.

Janez Jansa, SDS leader, said he would do everything in his power to form a stable government, but that he was aware of the difficulty of the task.

Second largest party is the centre-left List of Marjan Sarec (LMS), with 12.6 percent votes, followed by the Social Democrats (SD), with 9.94 percent votes.

SDS has won 25 seats in the 90-seat parliament assembly, and will need to form a coalition with at least two other parties to have the necessary majority.

We need to wait to cool our heads, Jansa said, adding he intended to begin negotiations with other parties to form a coalition as soon as possible.

It will take time, he said, but, given the specific Slovenian election system, which does not reward relative majority winners, he added he did not wish to exclude the possibility of an early election, which would require the election system to be reformed first.

The greatest challenges, which mean he would hold talks with the left parties as well, are the health system reform and a response to a potential migrant crisis, Jansa said. He added he would always do what is best for Slovenia, whether from the government or the opposition.

The election had only 51.7 percent turnout, similar to the election four years ago.

Although he is considered one of the election’s biggest losers, having lost two-thirds of his voters from four years ago, Miro Cerar, leader of the Modern Centre Party, said his party remained a relevant political option without which it was impossible to imagine a future stable government.

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