President presents investment opportunities in Sibenik

Goran Stanzl/PIXSELL

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic presented investment opportunities in Croatia to about 200 business people from the US Chief Executives Organization (CEO) in the Adriatic city of Sibenik on Tuesday.

“I won’t say Croatia is just a small country, since a country is as big as one makes it, and we have big dreams and are open for business. Croatia recently marked the fifth anniversary of joining the European Union, which guaranteed the free transport of goods and capital, production and work,” Grabar-Kitarovic said.

She also mentioned the Three Seas Initiative, an informal political platform of countries in eastern and central Europe from the Baltic to the Adriatic and Black Seas.

Grabar-Kitarovic said that in terms of energy, Croatia had the chance to become one of the strongest players in central Europe.

Croatia’s geographical position at the crossroads of western and southeast Europe is very conducive to transport, and the legal framework for investors is constantly improving, so they can use benefits such as grants and tax incentives, she added.

“Tourism is one of Croatia’s biggest industries and Croatia’s market, with a population of over four million, is relatively small in global terms, yet Croatian companies and consumers have proved they can recognise new technologies, making Croatia an ideal test market,” she said, and presented investment opportunities in the automobile, pharmaceutical, food, and textile industries.

Grabar-Kitarovic highlighted the Rimac Automobili electric supercar company, and said Croatia’s strategic position in Europe facilitated fast transport of goods by land and sea.

US Ambassador to Croatia, Robert Kohorst, said the event was sponsored by the Chief Executives Organization and that the 200 business people attending the meeting would learn about investment opportunities in Croatia.

The group, cruising from Italy to Turkey, will also stop in Dubrovnik.

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