Kujundzic announces concrete proposal for health sector salaries

NEWS 09.09.201914:45

The government's and healthcare sector union's negotiation teams will meet again on Tuesday for a new round of talks and on Monday Health Minister Milan Kujundzic announced the presentation of a concrete proposal regarding salaries for workers in that sector.

“We will come out with a concrete proposal that will be within the limits of what is possible. I believe that tomorrow we will have some sort of solution that we will then present to the cabinet,” Kujundzic told Hina.

The unions insist that the minimum they will not back down from is a 7% increase on allowances for working conditions.

Finance Minister Zdravko Maric has said on several occasions that additional financial demands by health and education unions were not foreseen in the state budget and a wage increase in public services has to be in accordance with what is possible.

Health unions are continuing with the peaceful protest rallies in front of hospitals with messages that hospital staff are working in extremely difficult conditions and deserve a higher pay.