Bosnian Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic has abused the UN given that in New York he stated his own opinion without the consent of the other two Presidency members, Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said on Sunday.
Grlic Radman commented on Komsic’s claim that some individuals in Croatia deny the fact that genocide was committed against Serbs, Roma and Jews during the WWII Nazi-styled Independent State of Croatia (NDH) just as Bosnian Serbs refuse to admit to the Srebrenica genocide.
Komsic’s office said on Saturday that he met with the UN Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, in New York earlier that day and that both said it was unacceptable to deny the crimes and genocide committed during the 1990s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to his office, Komsic said the Bosnian Serb entity “institutionally denies the genocide committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica and Podrinje”, and that in Croatia the genocide against Serbs, Roma and Jews committed in WWII under the NDH “is denied through the public an political activity of individuals.”
Grlic Radman said that in every society there were “individuals who deviate from the dominant values advocated by a democratic society” and that Croatia had always condemned all totalitarian regimes.”
It says so in the constitution too. We are looking toward the future, so we are surprised that (Komsic) should deal with the past instead of his position as a politician in Bosnia,” he said, adding that Komsic, “in his statements and behaviour, is going in the wrong direction and has a destabilising effect not only on the status of all three constituent peoples (in Bosnia) but on the neighbouring countries as well.”
Grlic Radman said he was surprised that Komsic had not condemned the Party of Democratic Action’s (SDA) declaration on a unitarian Bosnia.”
Croatia continues to underscore that (Komsic) was not elected by the will of the (Bosnian) Croat people, which is contrary to the spirit and letter of the Washington and Dayton agreements. He doesn’t represent the Croat people,” the minister said.
Komsic should deal with reforms, the rule of law, democratic values, have a vision of the future, peace and stability, the minister said, adding that from day one Croatia had supported an integral Bosnia with three equal and constituent peoples
.Croatia also supports Bosnia’s European future and a leader must have a vision for it, said Grlic Radman.