Crotia's average net salary inches up to €866 in August 2019

Morgue File

In August the average take-home pay in Croatia totalled 6,438 kuna (€866) , up by 2 percent year-on-year, the state statistics bureau reported on Monday.

Compared to July, the average net salary increased by 0.6 percent.

By industry, the highest average monthly salary in August was earned in air transport, 12,108 kuna (1,629), while the lowest average net wage of 4,250 kuna (572) was in clothes manufacturing.

The median net salary in August was 5,608 kuna (755).

In terms of gross monthly salary, the average in August totalled 8,775 kuna (1,181), an increase of 0.7 percent month-on-month and 2.3 percent year-on-year.

(1 = 7.43 kuna)