Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic introduced Vili Beros, the candidate for new health minister, to the Parliament's health care committee on Thursday morning. Beros is expected to be voted in on Friday to replace Milan Kujundzic, who had been dismissed earlier this week amid mounting controversies over the source and size of his documented wealth.
“Following our conversation, Mr Beros has accepted my offer to nominate him as Health Minister. I expect that he will win the confidence of the Committee and that he will be voted in by Parliament tomorrow,” Plenkovic said.
Beros is a neurosurgeon who spent most of his career working at Zagreb’s Sisters of Mercy Clinical Hospital. He also earned a doctor’s degree in molecular biology from the Faculty of Science in Zagreb, and is a university professor in biomedical sciences.
Beros is also a member of Plenkovic’s ruling Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party and has served as assistant Health Minister since 2018, under his predecessor Milan Kujundzic.