MEP Picula: Summit in May will be 'right opportunity' for EU and Western Balkans

NEWS 04.02.202016:33
N1 Hrvatska

Croatian MEP Tonino Picula believes that the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Zagreb in May is the "right opportunity" for the EU to emerge from the credibility crisis it fell into by blocking North Macedonia and Albania, his office said in a statement on Tuesday.

The process of enlargement to the Western Balkans can provide our common European project with a new impetus by launching the necessary reforms within the European Union itself after the Brexit experience, Picula said in Brussels.

Picula is also the coordinator of the Socialist and Democrat Group (S&D) on the European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, EP rapporteur for Montenegro and EP rapporteur for recommendations on the Western Balkans.

By failing to open formal negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania, which have fulfilled the formal criteria, the European Union has become embroiled in another crisis, a crisis of credibility with the Western Balkan countries, and it is up to us now to overcome this crisis as soon as possible, Picula said, adding that the Zagreb summit in May is the “right opportunity” for that.

Picula, together with S&D Group Vice-president Kati Piri who is in charge of foreign affairs, outlined last night the Group’s position on EU enlargement and its views on the methodology and the future of the enlargement negotiation process.

The S&D principles for EU enlargement include full membership as the ultimate goal, equal rules for all candidate countries, a merit-based approach, the fight against climate change, as well as participation in the conference on the future of Europe.

In addition, candidate countries should focus on the rule of law, stability and security, cooperate in the fight against cybernetic threats and the spread of misinformation, strengthen democratic political institutions and work on social and economic cohesion, environmental protection and youth perspectives, the statement said.

Picula also met Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.