First batch of EU funded coronavirus tests arrives in Bosnia


The first batch of 2,500 coronavirus tests funded by the EU and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) was delivered Tuesday to hospitals in Sarajevo, Mostar, and Tuzla, as well as the Health Institute of Bosnia's Serb-Majority part, Republika Srpska, in Banja Luka, EU Delegation to Bosnia said.

“This is the first in a series of deliveries under the EU financial assistance for emergency medical needs of Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of €7 million in EU funds will enable the procurement of 80 respirators, 7,500 test kits and 15,000 pieces of personal protective equipment,” EU Ambassador in BiH Johann Sattler said on this occasion.

The delivery of additional 5,000 tests is expected by the end of the week, EU Delegation said.

As part of a joint response to the coronavirus pandemic, the EU signed a €2 million financial assistance package with the UNDP on March 26, reaffirming the strong partnership between UNDP, the EU and Bosnia’s authorities in responding to the current crisis, the delegation added.