Croatia's April 2020 average net salary €878

NEWS 19.06.202013:24
Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL (ilustracija)

Croatia's April 2020 average net salary received by employees at businesses was 6,622 kuna (€878), a slight 0.4 percent increase year-on-year, the state statistics bureau said on Friday.

By industry, the highest average salary was reported in the financial sector, totalling 11,822 kuna (1,568), and the lowest was in hospitality services, where it was 4,380 kuna (580).

The overall median net salary in April was 5,524 kuna (732).

Average hourly net wage in April was 37.33 kuna (4.94), or 1.1 percent down from March and 0.5 percent up from the same month of 2019.

(€1 = 7.54 kuna)