KB Dubrava hospital director sacked

NEWS 05.11.202010:00
Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL (ilustracija)

The Steering Council of Zagreb's KB Dubrava hospital on Wednesday sacked director Srecko Marusic and appointed Ivica Luksic, the hospital's coordinator for the treatment of Covid patients, as acting director until a new one is appointed.

Steering Council president Silvio Basic said Marusic was sacked because of omissions in organising work in the university hospital.

“We noticed that the hospital is not working in the most adequate way. We concluded that there are omissions and deficiencies which could harm the hospital’s work and the provision of services. In order for that not to happen, we asked for a report from the director and we did not find the report acceptable,” he added.

Basic said Luksic’s job was to organise the hospital’s work in the most efficient way possible for patients’ benefit.

“I made all the moves in agreement with (Health) Minister Beros so that the hospital can work in the best way possible. A hospital is a place where the activities and energies of all employees must focus only on treating patients. A hospital is not a place for politicking, for certain people to have personal interests, and that’s what I will demand from the acting director. There is no longer any room for politicking and personal interests in this hospital,” Basic said.