Health Minister Vili Beros said on Monday that 2,358 people infected with coronavirus were being treated in hospitals, including 255 patients who were on ventilators, and that the ministry was constantly monitoring the situation in the hospital system.
“The operation of hospital systems and current demand for doctors, nurses, ventilators and other medical equipment are being constantly monitored and measures are taken accordingly, including the reassignment of medical workers and the borrowing of medical equipment,” Beros said at a government session.
Over the past 24 hours, Croatia has registered 1,830 new cases of coronavirus infection and a record number of 74 related deaths. Currently, 46,802 people are self-isolating.
There are 1,393 active cases of the infection among medical staff and 993 medical workers are in self-isolation.
Beros said that the Health Ministry had called on local Covid-19 response teams to submit amended plans to provide for Covid-19 patients in the event of a mild, medium and severe course of the epidemic as well as to provide information on the possibility of activating additional facilities for coronavirus patients.
He said that the health system was adapting to current trends and that all plans were functioning for the time being.