30,000 job-retention applications expected for December

NEWS 04.12.202020:22

Croatian Employment Servise (HZZ) director Ante Loncar said on Friday that in October the HZZ received 26,000 applications for job-retention support and that 500 remained to be processed.

Speaking to the press, Loncar said that so far HRK 240 million had been paid for job-retention support and HRK 80 million for shorter working hours in October.

As for the latest measures, he said the HZZ expected additional applications but that he was confident it would process them within a decent timeframe. Up to 30,000 applications are expected for December.

The HZZ today decided to amend the terms and ways of utilising funds for job-retention support in sectors affected by COVID-19.

The amendments concern employers whose business has been restricted in any way under decisions of the national or local COVID response teams or who are suppliers to employers shut down under a decision by the teams.

The amendments also introduce the financing of some or all fixed costs for employers who are banned from doing business under a decision of the national COVID response team. The amount will be determined by the Tax Administration.