Academic freedom under fire: Gender studies programme rejected in Zagreb

NEWS 12.07.202412:32 0 komentara
Zgrada Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Luka Stanzl/PIXSELL

The Gender studies programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb was rejected by the Ministry of Science and Education. It did not take long for reactions to emerge on this issue, which has sparked controversy in recent days.

The Gender studies programme at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb has been rejected by the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth, and as the Rectorate of the University of Zagreb has confirmed, it is almost certain that the programme will not be accepted in the autumn.

According to the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth, the first accreditation procedure (i.e. accreditation of a new study programme) should be carried out by the Agency for Science and Higher Education and not by the university itself. The Gender studies programme started the accreditation procedure according to the old regulations, but these regulations have since changed and the Ministry believes that the procedure should follow the new guidelines.

One of the initiators of the programme, Professor Branka Galic, explained that this was a political decision. “This was just a test to see the reactions of the political actors. Now, of course, they can delay the procedure as long as they want,” said Galic.

Pavlicek: “Queer theory says that you can change your gender based on the clothes you wear”

The reaction to the ministry’s decision came quickly.

“I think it was to be expected that they would be rejected if we abide by the decision of the Croatian parliament and the interpretative declaration to the Istanbul Convention that gender ideology must not be allowed to penetrate Croatian society. Obviously, the Gender studies Programme has not adhered to this interpretative declaration. I think this is a victory for normal Croatia. Most Croatian citizens think this way, and we must be aware that we are in an environment where 85% of our citizens identify as Christians,” said Marijan Pavlicek, leader of the conservative and Christian-right party Croatian Sovereignists, in parliament, as reported by the news site tportal.

Marijan Pavliček

When asked what gender ideology is in Gender studies, Pavlicek explained: “In Gender studies, there is a course called ‘queer linguistics’. Queer theory says that you can change your gender based on the clothes you wear – today you dress as a woman so you are a woman, tomorrow you dress as a man so you are a man, the day after tomorrow you are non-binary and in a week you are an animal. This is the best example of gender ideology in Gender studies.”

Kroflin: A dangerous precedent for the academic community

“The autonomy of universities, and an essential part of it, is the ability of faculties to choose independently and autonomously, without the influence of capital, the church or social aspects, the topics on which they will research and teach,” said Matija Kroflin, the Secretary General of the Independent Union for Science and Higher Education, during an appearance on the N1 television channel.

He pointed out that the possible ban on Gender studies sets a dangerous precedent for the academic community.

Matija Kroflin

“We are talking about the freedom guaranteed by the constitution and the law. If someone declares that they have the right to ban a certain study programme based on its legitimacy, for example for political reasons because they disagree with a certain concept or topic, that is a blatant violation of this freedom,” Kroflin assessed, adding that this is also a form of violation of the constitution and that the Constitutional Court should look into it.

The state must protect the autonomy of universities. Representatives of certain political currents must not interfere,” said Kroflin, emphasising that the academic community should have reacted more quickly and proactively, because “Gender studies are just the beginning.”

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