Almost 50% of employees productive less than 6 hrs daily, survey shows

NEWS 23.07.202415:02 0 komentara
ured, posao, biznis, radnici, zapošljavanje
Pexels / ilustracija

Almost half of employees in Croatia are productive less than six hours a day at work, with an average of 43 minutes spent socialising with colleagues, 29 minutes surfing the internet, and 21 minutes texting friends and family, shows a survey by the MojPosao job-seeking website on over 800 respondents.

47% of respondents admit they are typically productive for less than six hours a day at work, 37% say their productivity lasts six to eight hours daily, and 16% are productive for more than eight hours.

51% of respondents are unproductive for two or more hours a day, with the average “slacking off” lasting two and a half hours.

Employees spend the least amount of time on private phone calls, 14 minutes, but also on handling personal errands outside the office, 15 minutes. Respondents spend only 17 minutes of their time on social media.

The survey also shows that socialising with colleagues mostly does not occur in cafes. Only one in four respondents goes for coffee with colleagues. The rest socialise in company common areas (62%) or in the office itself (50%), and in 25% of cases, socialising is an “extended” meal break.

Although 51% of respondents handle personal errands outside the office, such situations are rare – a few times a month or less. They usually involve urgent obligations like doctor visits or obtaining personal documents.

Respondents primarily use activities unrelated to work as a break from work tasks (65%), 34% waste time on other activities because they feel they are not sufficiently paid for their work, while 32% believe they do not have time for personal tasks after the workday and must handle them during work hours.

Every fourth respondent does not have enough work to do and fills time with other activities, and every fifth finds their tasks boring and not motivating.

63% of respondents say that activities unrelated to work do not affect their productivity, 26% say such activities increase their productivity, while 11% admit that such “distractions” decrease their productivity during the workday.

Half of the respondents are satisfied with their productivity, 24% think they could be more productive, while 26% believe they are too productive and should slow down.

The survey shows that employers could increase productivity through higher salaries (69%) or more interesting work tasks (45%). Greater purposefulness of work tasks and recognition from superiors would increase productivity for 35% and 34% of respondents, respectively.

A better relationship with superiors would lead to increased productivity for 26% of respondents, while 21% would become more productive thanks to improved relationships with colleagues.

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