Drowning 2nd leading cause of death for children In Croatia

NEWS 22.07.202416:15 0 komentara

This year the Croatian Red Cross will mark World Drowning Prevention Day with the slogan "Those who swim, don't sink" to highlight the importance of knowing how to swim, especially among children. Croatia is a Mediterranean country but 40-70% of children can't swim, stated the Red Cross.

The recent drowning of a 12-year-old boy has prompted discussions about the importance of drowning prevention, as well as the fact that 85 people die annually in Croatia from accidental drowning and sudden cardiac arrests in the water. Drowning is the leading cause of death among children in Croatia, right after traffic accidents, and one of the top five causes of accidental deaths in the country.

There is no unified statistic showing the exact number of non-swimmers in Croatia, but the Red Cross states that experience indicates the number is high. “The situation varies from county to county. For example, in Istria, more than 50 percent of second-grade elementary school students cannot swim, while in Vukovar-Srijem County, nearly 70 percent of children cannot swim,” they reported.

Swimming lessons for non-swimmers have not been part of the National Pedagogical Standard since 2010, and in practice, this responsibility has been left to local communities, parents, clubs, and schools.

The Croatian Red Cross, as the only organization in Croatia that trains lifeguards and conducts preventive campaigns and education, believes that swimming lessons for non-swimmers should be an integral part of the educational system in Croatia. It is necessary to establish interdepartmental cooperation to develop a national water safety plan, they stated.

On World Drowning Prevention Day, 25 July, the Red Cross will organise a special event called “Those who swim, don’t sink!” at Naftaplin Beach in Porec.

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