HNB: Mobile phones becoming first choice for electronic transactions

NEWS 30.06.202415:47 0 komentara
Pexels / Ilustracija

The number of mobile banking users has been growing significantly in recent years, as has the value of payment transactions through this channel, which shows the mobile phone is increasingly becoming the first choice for electronic transactions, according to a new publication by the Croatian National Bank (HNB).

Over the past five years, the number of national card payment transactions in Croatia has increased by 67% and their value by 77%, the HNB publication “Cashless Payment Transactions” says.

The average Croatian citizen has 2.1 payment cards in their wallet. At the same time, 57% of consumers and 52% of business entities use mobile banking services, and 44% of consumers and 60% of business entities have contracted online banking services.

The number of consumers using mobile banking services in 2023 increased by 7% compared to 2022, and the number of consumers using online banking services rose by 13%.

Along with the increase in the number of mobile banking users, the number and value of payment transactions made through this channel also increased. In 2023, compared to 2022, the number of consumer transactions increased by 13% and the value of transactions by 42%, while the number of transactions by business entities using mobile banking rose by 36% and the value of transactions by 65%.

In the structure of the number of national cashless payment transactions in 2023, payment card transactions (48%) and credit transfer transactions (34%) accounted for the largest share.

They are followed by transactions of debits from the accounts by simple book entry (18%), bill-paying service transactions (1%) and direct debit service transactions (2%).

At the same time, the largest share in the structure of the number of international cashless payment transactions is held by payment card transactions (91%) and credit transfer transactions (9%).

On the other hand, in the structure of the total value of cashless payment transactions, credit transfer transactions continue to have an extremely dominant share. In 2023, they accounted for around 94% of the total value of all national and international cashless payment transactions performed.

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