Plenkovic: It is an honour to work for Croatia, we will increase the average rate of development

NEWS 20.05.202415:23 0 komentara

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said at the beginning of the constituent meeting of his third cabinet that it was a great honour for his government to continue working for Croatia. He announced plans to increase the average development rate, pensions and social benefits over the next four years. Pročitaj više

Prime Minister Plenkovic stated in his introductory speech that the programme of this 16th Croatian Government is substantial, realistic, ambitious and of high quality in terms of common goals for Croatia, the Croatian people, the economy and all our fellow citizens.

Goals: Increasing wages and employment and raising pensions

“A successful, vibrant, fair, sustainable and sovereign Croatia” are the five priorities in the new government’s four-year programme, in which three ministries— – Agriculture, Demography and Economy — have been assigned to the HDZ’s coalition partner, the Domovinski pokret (DP) party.

“Our goal is to raise Croatia’s average development to 80-82 per cent of the EU average within four years and to create the conditions for further growth in creditworthiness,” said Plenkovic.

The government programme is a synthesis of the political programmes of the parties forming the majority. The goals include raising wages and employment figures as well as increasing pensions, newborn benefits, parental benefits and social benefits.

With regard to the recent parliamentary elections, Plenkovic noted that the elections were on the verge of legality due to the unconstitutional behaviour of President Zoran Milanovic and some opposition parties.

“The majority of Croatian citizens supported the direction of the country exactly as we had imagined it, the policies we had led, and they gave us the confidence to continue our work and implement our programme,” said Plenkovic.

New government has 18 ministries, two more than the previous cabinet

He said that, as always, he expects the highest level of commitment and dedication from all members of the government in implementing the programme, promoting economic growth and preserving social cohesion.

For the first time, ministers from the DP party — Josip Dabro, Ivan Sipic and Ante Susnjar — also took part in the meeting, as did Tonci Glavina from the HDZ. The ministries were taken over this morning and all of them declared that they are ready for new challenges.

“Trust obliges,” said Plenkovic, thanking the parliamentary majority for their confidence and adding: “It is a great honour for us to work for Croatia again.”

The new government has 18 ministries instead of the previous 16, with two new ministries being established: the Ministry of Demography and Immigration and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Green Transition.

Some ministries have been renamed, including the Ministry of Justice, Public Administration and Digital Transformation, the Ministry of Science, Education and Youth and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

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