Plenkovic reveals the names of the three deputy speakers of the parliamentary majority

NEWS 14.05.202417:17 0 komentara

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic announced on Tuesday that three of the five deputy speakers of the 11th Parliament will be Furio Radin, who represents ethnic minorities, Zeljko Reiner from the HDZ party and Ivan Penava from the Domovinski pokret (DP) party.

Plenkovic confirmed to the press that Radin, Reiner and Penava will be the deputy speakers of the parliament on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the birth of the first Croatian president Franjo Tudjman in his hometown Veliko Trgovisce.

Plenkovic declined to answer questions about the candidates for his new cabinet.

He said that the HDZ had not yet spoken to the DP about this junior partner’s demand that the government should stop funding Novosti, the newspaper of the Serb National Council (SNV).

“We are in the process of harmonising our agendas and the proposals for the composition of the government. These are the only two important topics of our talks at the moment,” said the Prime Minister.

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