PR experts: Quality of political communication in Croatia has never been worse

NEWS 20.04.202416:05 0 komentara
Emica Elvedji/PIXSELL

Political communication in Croatia has never been at a lower level and the newly-elected members of the parliament and government should work on raising its quality, the jury of the Grand PRix Award said, declaring uncivilised political communication "Anti-communication of the Year 2023". Pročitaj više

Communication experts believe that social divisions, intolerance, interpersonal relations and social engagement of citizens are also affected by politicians’ work, behaviour and communication.

“Croatian politicians’ communication is mostly void of substance and well-informed reasoning. It is marked by conflicts, vulgar replies and insults, with parliamentary debates resembling cheap reality shows,” said Alan Bahorić, advisor on strategic communication of the Croatian Chamber of Economy (HGK) and president of the jury of the 17th Grand PRix of the Croatian Public Relations Association (HUOJ).

Another jury member, Marijana Grbesa Zenzerovic, who teaches at the Zagreb Faculty of Political Science, said that the level of trust in the parliament, government and political parties in Croatia is below the EU average and among the lowest in the EU.

“That is undoubtedly so due to the irresponsible and vulgar communication by political actors. In addition to contributing to a decline in trust in state institutions, such communication also discourages some of the voters from participating in elections,” she warned.

HUOJ members identified three examples of very bad communication in Croatia in 2023.

Along with political communication, another example was communication by men holding public prayer events in Zagreb, as well as a promotional campaign by the WestGate shopping centre, which was marked by sexism.

Most of the PR experts who participated in the HUOJ vote on the anti-communication of the year decided that political communication should be awarded that unenviable title.

HUOJ also presents “Communicator of the Year” award, and the candidates for that title are the rock band Let 3, singer Ida Prester, math lecturer Toni Milun and the late architect and marketing expert Marko Babic.

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