Survey shows that contraceptive counselling in Croatia is below the European standard

NEWS 12.07.202411:50 0 komentara
Unsplash / Ilustracija

Coitus interruptus, also known as withdrawal, a traditional method of family planning, is the third most popular method of contraception in Croatia, while the use of condoms and pills is in first place. This is according to a survey conducted by an NGO.

The human rights organisation SOFIJA presented the results on Thursday and emphasised that although coitus interruptus has proven to be unsuccessful, it is the third most popular method of preventing pregnancy.

The vast majority of respondents were women (96%). The majority of respondents reported using condoms as a method of family planning and stated that this was an available, effective and simple method of protection.

A quarter of respondents reported using the contraceptive pill.

The authors of the survey, Sanja Sirocic and Ljerka Oppenheim, described it as problematic that as many as 18% of respondents stated that they resort to withdrawal as a method of contraception.

“81 respondents consider this method to be unsafe and inefficient, but they use it,” said Opppenheim.

Slovenia and Albania perform better than Croatia

In addition, 4% of respondents say they use intrauterine devices (IUDs) and 3% use the calendar method.

Contraceptive counselling is available and part of public health services. However, access to it and the level of counselling in Croatia are below the level of some other European countries, according to Sirocic and Oppenheim.

Croatia has a state-sponsored website with relevant information, but the quality of the information is rated as poor compared to other countries, according to the two authors.

A European Contraception Policy Atlas, which covered 47 countries shows that Croatia ranks 37th in terms of the availability of contraceptive methods and information about them.

Slovenia and Albania, for example, are better than Croatia. Hormonal contraceptive methods are not available over the counter and emergency contraception is not free.

In the survey, inaccessible medical care and insufficiently available data and information were cited as frequent obstacles. The unavailability of doctors and gynaecological care is the main reason why respondents do not use other forms of protection. Lack of information and doctors’ disinterest in recommending contraceptive methods other than pills or condoms is a major problem.

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