UN Security Council renews EUFOR Althea Mission mandate in Bosnia

NEWS 02.11.202316:47 0 komentara
UN, Vijeće sigurnosti UN-a
Johannes EISELE / AFP

UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution on Thursday, thus confirming that the European Union military deployment, EUFOR Althea Mission, will stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

EUFOR is significantly contributing to the peace and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as the region, according to Swiss representative at the UN Security Council Pascale Baeriswyl.

She said that the security and prosperity of BiH are based on unity and respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement, expressing support to the work of the High Representative until the conditions for the closure of his office are met.

The Swiss ambassador stressed that the latest High Representative’s report showed how the rhetoric of the divisions and glorification of war criminals as well as the genocide denial has intensified, pointing out the actions of the Republika Srpska entity leadership as prone to divisions and jeopardising the country’s unity.

Baeriswyl expressed hope that the leaders will put maximum effort to reach constructive dialogue on the path to EU, while protecting human rights and fighting corruption.

High Representative Christian Schmidt, who oversees the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement in BiH, submitted his biannual report on Thursday warning about unprecedented attacks against the peace deal and the constitutional and legal order of BiH.

US representative to the UN Robert Wood also welcomed the decision, stressing that this shows the commitment to the peace, the rule of law and stability.

He also stressed the importance of confronting the efforts of the Republika Srpska government to weaken fundamental freedoms, the rule of law and constitutional fundaments of the country and its institutions.

The ambassador reiterated full support of the USA and the entire international community to the High Representative and his work. He also expressed strong support to the country’s full integration in the transatlantic community and EU.

On the other hand, Russian Federation’s representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya accused the Western actors of undermining the Dayton Agreement. He said the EU and NATO integration was an “obsessive” wish of the Western countries, claiming that this is not what the people in BiH wish for.

Nebenzya said the UN Security Council cannot ignore “the fact” that BiH is becoming a colony manipulated by Washington and Brussels, calling the High Representative Christian Schmidt “self-proclaimed.”

Schmidt, whose report was presented in the session, was not present at UN headquarters.

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