160.000 Croatians take tranquillisers every day, mainly in three counties

NEWS 02.10.202412:13 0 komentara

The use of tranquillisers is increasing in Croatia, with the highest rates consistently recorded in the eastern regions of Vukovar, Virovitica and Podravina.

According to the Croatian Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HALMED), Vukovar-Srijem County had the highest consumption of tranquillisers last year, with around 280 daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants. This was followed by Virovitica-Podravina (277) and Koprivnica-Krizevci (270) counties.

Around 400,000 inhabitants take vitamin D3 daily

The most commonly used tranquilliser in this category last year was diazepam, whose well-known brands in Croatia are Normabel and Apaurin, with a rate of 42 daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants. Statistically, this means that around 160,000 people in Croatia take this drug every day, reports Danica regional newssite.

The lowest consumption of antipsychotic drugs last year was recorded in Zagreb County (about 173 daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants). Low consumption of antipsychotics was also recorded in Split-Dalmatia County (174) and Istria County (175 daily doses).

The drug with the highest overall consumption in 2023 was vitamin D, which is often used to strengthen the immune system. The drug cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) had a consumption of 107 daily doses per 1,000 inhabitants last year, which means that around 400,000 inhabitants take it every day.

Medication to lower blood lipids, for heartburn, pain relief…

The second most frequently used medication was atorvastatin to lower blood lipids, followed by pantoprazole, a heartburn remedy. In fourth place was aspirin and in fifth place another cholesterol-lowering drug, rosuvastatin.

In sixth place was the antihypertensive drug ramipril.

In seventh place for consumption in the last year was Diazepam. In eighth place was the diuretic furosemide, in ninth place the antihypertensive drug amlodipine and in tenth place the well-known painkiller and anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen.

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