4th annual pro-life rally held in Rijeka

NEWS 19.10.202416:05 0 komentara
Goran Kovacic/PIXSELL

For the fourth consecutive year, a Walk for Life event was held in the Adriatic port of Rijeka on Saturday, this year under the slogan "The voice of the born for the life of the unborn".

4th annual pro-life rally held in Rijeka

During the walk through the centre of Rijeka, pro-life protesters carried banners with the messages “Life starts at conception”, and “Unborn children – the most endangered minority in Croatia!” “Every human being has the right to life!” and others.

The coordinator of this walk, Ante Bekavac, told the press that they had organised it to highlight the importance of dignity and integrity of every human being, particularly of pregnant women and unborn children.

According to local media, an estimated 200 participants took part in the walk.

During their walk, several counter-activists chained themselves to street lamps and some had banners accusing the state and the Church of interfering in their private lives. One of their banners had the message “Safe abortion saves lives!”

The women in the counter rally did not give statements to the press.

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