Croatian President's Office: Komsic is personification of outvoting of Croats

NEWS 03.08.201911:21

The Office of the Croatian President has clarified President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic's statement about the Croatian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zeljko Komsic, made in an interview with Croatian Radio on Friday.

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 “The Croatian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina is not just the ethnic, but also the political representative of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the spirit of the Constitution, which is why he or she must be elected by a majority of the Croatian people. Mr Komsic was not elected by a majority of the Croatian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and he is a personification of the outvoting of the Croats. He cannot be expected to advocate equality for the Croats, on whom he was imposed, or to make any effort at improving relations between the two countries,” the President’s Office said in the clarification emailed to Hina.