Over €20m available to Croatian companies under Norwegian development programme

NEWS 30.06.202017:22

More than €20 million is available to the Croatian private sector under the Norwegian programme Business Development and Innovation Croatia, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce (HGK) said on Tuesday.

The programme, aimed at creating added value and promoting sustainable development in innovation, the green industry and “blue growth”, is financed from a Norwegian donation and is part of the European Economic Area and Norway Grants financial mechanism for 2014-2021.

The programme is run by the organisation Innovation Norway, and funds are made available through open tenders as grants for partial financing of projects.

The aim is to reduce economic inequalities by financing projects that will increase the competitiveness and profitability of Croatian companies. The programme will seek to stimulate and promote long-term business cooperation between Croatian and Norwegian companies. It is particularly geared towards technologically modest small and medium-sized businesses.

The main focus will be on green industry innovation (manufacturing industry) and blue growth (maritime industry and small-scale tourism).