Defence Minister Mario Banozic on Tuesday sent a message to the ministry staff, members of the Croatian Army, police, war veterans and the Croatian people on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the 25th anniversary of the military-police operation Storm.
Recalling that on August 5, 1995 the Croatian people launched the final effort to make true its centuries-old dream of independence, Banozic said that Storm was a symbol of unity and heroism and the crown of all victories in the 1991-95 Homeland War.
“The key to the victory in the Homeland War were people, brave and bold Croatian defenders who demonstrated Croatian unity, strength and concord,” the minister said in his message, expressing special gratitude to the families of fallen Croatian soldiers and those deceased or gone missing.
“The victorious Croatian Army was built in the Homeland War. Today it is a guarantor of peace and stability and it helps its people when it needs it the most. Today we celebrate peace and freedom in Croatia,” Banozic said in the message.