Social and Democratic Party (SDP) leader Pedja Grbin told a press conference on Friday that the SDP was today launching its campaign for the local election in Rijeka because Rijeka was the best example of how to love and lead your city in the right way.
At the press conference, the SDP introduced its candidates for Rijeka Mayor and Deputy Mayor, Marko Filipovic and Sandra Krpan.
“Rijeka is an excellent example to everyone in Croatia of what needs to be done to improve the lives of people who put their trust in you as a leader”, Grbin said.
He thanked Rijeka Mayor Vojko Obersnel, who has been at the helm of Rijeka for 21 years, noting that the SDP “can be proud because he has done a lot for SDP’s image and has shown how SDP members should act when elected to public office”.
Obersnel is soon to be 64, so he said that a generational shift was normal and “there is no doubt that the two candidates will defend the basic postulates of the social democracy and what has been achieved in Rijeka, an open and inclusive city.”
Filipovic is currently Rijeka Deputy Mayor.
Croatia is to hold local elections in May 2021.